Wild Ivy Photography

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Wolf and Wildlife Center

For the past several years we’ve wanted to make it out to the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center; a few days ago we finally took the opportunity to do so, and were not disappointed.

I know you’re here for the images, but I do encourage you to spend some time at wolfeducation.org — there’s so much misunderstanding surrounding wolves (which then drives terrible policy decisions); we owe it to ourselves to become better educated so we can be better stewards of our environment. If you find yourself in Colorado I do encourage a trip to the center. It’s well worth it.

Note that these images are not licensed for commercial use. I am strongly considering a return in the fall or winter and paying for the photography package, which will allow me to sit in with the wolves in their habitats (i.e. inside the fencing) and to use whatever equipment I’d like. This package would also license me to use the images I take for commercial purposes.

On to the good stuff!